Calling for nominees for Parent Representatives for the Nelson College Trust Foundation

The Nelson College Trust Foundation ('The Foundation') was established by Trust Deed in July 1978 to provide a vehicle for charitable giving to the College, governed by representatives of the College family.

The purpose to "hold in Trust" funds acquired by the College from non-operational sources (funds from external donations or sales of significant assets), so that the income from the investment assets, can be attributed to the benefit of College students, both in the current and long term future.

All NZ state owned schools are provided operating funds to achieve the staffing, property & administration objectives specified in each schools' charter and in line with National Administration Guidelines (these funds are administered by the Board of Trustees).

Foundation funds are not operational funds and are restricted in use only by the conditions placed on them (if any) by the original donor. The overriding premise is that the base capital shall be preserved in perpetuity and income from invested funds be available for distribution. The Foundation has clear guidelines on the calculation of distributable amounts available for use each year.

The Trustees of the NC Trust Foundation represent the relevant College family stakeholder groups (Old Boys, Board of Trustees and the parent body). The Trust Foundation deed also allows for up to 2 independent Trustees.

The College PTA was responsible for electing the parent body representatives on the Foundation, but with the abolition of the PTA in 2022, the two parent body representatives, need now be elected by the Parent Body as a whole.

The Foundation is now seeking to run an online election to appoint the TWO parent body representatives, during September 2024, and as a result, is calling for nominees from this group. Particular skills in legal, accounting or finance would be an advantage. 

Please contact any of our current Trustees for more information:

 Judge Tony Zohrab – Chairman, Independent -
Richard Washington - Principal/Tumuaki -
Simon Mardon - NC Staff Representative -
Manoli Aerakis – Nelson College Board of Trustee -
Tim Gall – Nelson College Board of Trustees -
John Palmer - Independent Trustee -
John McCaul – Old Boys' Association -
Mike Neale – Old Boys' Association -
Janine Pomeroy – Parent Representative -
Euan McIntosh – Parent Representative  -

If you, or someone you know, could add value in this space, then please put forward your name & contact details to Lucy Jackson, the Foundation secretary by September 16, 2024. or phone +64 03 5483099.



Established in 1978 the Nelson College Trust Foundation is an independent body established to ensure the long-term sustainability of Nelson College, committed to providing exceptional opportunities and support for the next generation of students.

By donating to the Nelson College Trust Foundation, you will be part of the journey to creating a legacy of educational excellence; providing facilities and opportunities beyond the basic education funded by central government. As a donor you select how you want to help students at Nelson College by contributing to one or more specific endowment funds within the Trust Foundation.

The Trust Foundation acknowledges the support it has received in the past from generous donors, Old Boys and other organisations which have benefited all areas of the school, including the Matakitaki Lodge, Te Ara Poutama and the Gibbons Trade Centre; as well as a wide range of co-curricular opportunities across the arts and sport.

For more information around donations please contact the Trust Foundation Secretary – Lucy Jackson via email at or phone +64 03 5483099.

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Learn more about the Nelson College Trust Foundation